Monday, 19 June 2017

Course Evaluation

1. What did you like about the course?
It was fun to learn new things about computers and how to use Photoshop.

2. What could be improved?
Maybe teach a little game design somewhere in the course


4. What should you have done to do better?

Asked for help from someone if I needed it 

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

A Bunch Of Ice Cubes

SketchUp Cube
Java Cube
Code Combat Cube

Game Journalism Cube

Instructional Slideshow Cube

Minecraft Cube

Super Planet Crash/Particle Clicker Cube

Photoshop Cube

N-Squad Cube

Monday, 5 June 2017

SketchUp: Traced Model #2

Made In SketchUp
Rendered In Makerbot

SketchUp: Traced Model #1

Made In SketchUp
Rendered In Makerbot

                                                                        Link To STL

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Photoshop Frame Animation: Darwin Award Story

For the first scene I did it layer by layer, making a new one and adding it to the next frame

I tweened the next scene by making different arm layers and moving the arm and then hitting the tween button

I also used FX to make the glue look shiny by changing the bevel and emboss angle, size, and softness

 I made the final few scenes by puppet warping a stick figure and moving him with the rhinoceros

Friday, 7 April 2017

GJ Day 5


I predict that I will be able to  build a house or a foundation with a campfire and a doorway at least and also maybe a shotgun.

I got a foundation, a doorway, and a campfire, but not the shotgun.

Survival Guide

  1. On the first day you should mainly focus on getting wood so you can build a campfire and not freeze to death on the first night. Also collect any boxes you see if possible.
  2. During the first night i would suggest you stay near your campfire, because it gets difficult to see and unless you have good weapons already, animals will take you by surprise and kill you.
  3. You should start trying to build a base on your second day, but don't build a base command unit until you feel ready, because once you do hunters will spawn in and try to kill you.

Misc. Tips

  • Try to get a shotgun as early on as you can and then work towards a rifle.
  • You don't need a pickaxe  to mine the materials you get from rocks, you can use your axe.
  • Collect all the fibre you see as soon as possible.
  • Don't go up the mountain unless you have good clothing to keep you warm.
  • You don't have to stay in the menu to craft things.

GJ Day 4

I Died


Wednesday, 5 April 2017

GJ Day 3

How to build:

  • Shotgun
(don't have the components yet)

7 scrap metal
5 wooden planks
4 cloth
  • health kit
(don't have the components yet)

4 medical herbs
1 biofeul jar
  • Campfire

                                                                     Collect 3 wood

Make 2 sticks

Make the campfire

Place the campfire

Ignite the campfire